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Who am I?

--Author of seven books:
three novels, one novella collection, two book-length poems, Catch and Release and The Catamount, and a collection of poemsTaken. Three are illustrated with my watercolors.  (See "My Books" page)

--Winner of the Peter Taylor Prize for the novel (Blue, 2003 University of Tennessee Press) and a finalist in several international and national writing contests

--Co-Director:  Ferro-Grumley Award in LGBTQ Fiction.

--Affiliate Faculty Member: Antioch University-LA low-residency MFA program.

--Teacher: Maine Media Workshops and College, New York University, Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv, Sarah Lawrence College, the University of Vermont, Vermont College, and elsewhere.

--Founder:  BLOOM reading series in New York City, 2015-2020.

Please send an email if you're interested in editing services or writing instruction

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